Almost every day I do push-ups: 3-5 sets of 60 reps. That is between 180 to 300 push-ups per day. If a push-up has me lift about half my weight (the other half supported by my feet) then I’m lifting 115 pounds to the tune of between 20,700 and 34,500 pounds daily.
I alternate those with curls: 3-5 sets of 15 reps of 30# dumbbells. That’s curling 1,350 – 2,250 pounds per arm (or 2,700 – 4,500 pounds total) per day. It sounds like a lot but spread out over 6 – 8 hours it is invigorating without being exhausting.
So what does this get me? I am 5′ 6″ and I have a 48″ – 50″ chest measurement. Fireplugs have nothing on me. Except red paint.